Monday, September 19, 2011

Tinnitus Cure: Six Steps To Help Stop The Ringing In Your Ears

Tinnitus is a bothersome condition that afflicts between ten to fifteen percent of the population. If you are suffering from this condition you know that finding a tinnitus cure can be very challenging. Tinnitus refers to a persistent sound that seems to be located in the ears or head. It includes ringing sounds, buzzing, clicking and roaring. It can occur in one ear or both of them.

In some cases tinnitus may be minor and not terribly bothersome. In others it becomes a persistent and annoying companion that is difficult to tune out. Finding a tinnitus cure is a challenge because it can be caused by a variety of things, most of which are not serious.

The only serious cause of tinnitus, and one that is extremely rare, is a tumor in the brain or neck. If you are at all concerned about this do check with a doctor to put your mind at ease. Tinnitus is most often caused by age related hearing loss or exposure to loud noises. Other causes include head or ear injuries, diseases such as Meniere's disease (an inner ear disease), ear wax buildup or ear infections, and stress. In addition, when evaluating a cure for tinnitus it is a good idea to consider any medications you might be taking as tinnitus is sometimes a side effect.

A holistic approach to finding a tinnitus cure may be the best approach. A visit to your physician will help you rule out a number of things such as high blood pressure, ear infection, wax buildup, and such. Double check any medications for potential side effects.
In addition there are other steps you can take to help bring about a tinnitus cure.

1. Reduce Stress - Stress may not directly cause tinnitus but stress can make it more difficult to live with. Some research suggests that stress may bring on a bout of tinnitus and the tinnitus can aggravate the feelings of stress. Taking steps to relax and learn stress management techniques can be beneficial for curing tinnitus.

2. Alcohol, cigarette smoking and caffeine are all thought to aggravate tinnitus. Taking steps to minimize your intake of these things may help bring about a tinnitus cure.

3. Avoid Aspirin - aspirin has been linked to tinnitus

4. Avoid loud noises - Listening to very loud music or working around loud equipment can cause tinnitus and make it worse. Even if this is not the cause of your tinnitus it is a good idea to avoid such situations.

5. Grinding your teeth is thought to cause or aggravate tinnitus. If this is a possibility, talk to your dentist about wearing a mouth guard while you sleep.

6. Make changes to your diet where they are needed. If your blood pressure is high, eliminate salt. The healthier you are overall, the more likely you will bring about a tinnitus cure.

The exact cause of tinnitus is difficult to pinpoint in many individuals. As a result, following a holistic approach to finding a tinnitus cure is most efficiently done by tackling the problem from many directions. These are just a few of the things you can do. There are many other natural methods to eliminate tinnitus completely.

Are you searching a natural, safe and effective tinnitus cure?
Learn from a former chronic tinnitus sufferer how to permanently eliminate the noise in your head and gain dramatic relief from your tinnitus in as little as seven days by visiting


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